
Emotional outbreak Z

A study carried out by dot. through its analysis platform The Future Game and in collaboration with BBK Fundazioa on the emotional health of young people.


#Berdinaldia | The framework for a new territorial strategy on Equality

UNICEF COMPASS | Enhancing UNICEF innovators' capabilities for greater impact on children

With a network of innovators in over 190 countries, the COMPASS program equips UNICEF's innovation teams with key tools and skills to design effective innovation strategies and foster workplace cultures that drive greater impact.


What will the household shopping experience be like in 2034?

This was the question posed to us by Eroski with the aim of exploring the future trends, technologies and business models that will define the retail sector in 2034.


UNICEF OOI | Landscape Assessment of Youth Innovation to accelerate results for children


EITB EKIN Transformazioa | Reinventing the public service of the basque audiovisual entity


The democratic atheism of Generation Z

Study conducted by dot. through its analysis platform The Future Game, in collaboration with Arantzazulab, on the perception of democracy and its values in Generation Z.


The Challenges of the New Rurality

The New Rurality does not only focus on depopulation as the main guideline of the rural context, but rather describes a holistic view that includes the challenges and opportunities of a new rural lifestyle different from the traditional vision.


UNICEF Spark | Driving innovation within UNICEF and beyond


UNICEF Upshift Somalia | Building a youth social entrepreneurship movement in Somalia

Upshift is a social innovation program for youth developed by UNICEF Innovation. At dot., we have reimagined, adapted, and supported the implementation of the model for the contexts of Somalia, Somaliland, and Puntland.


Impacta+ | Promoting a diverse, accessible and inclusive social entrepreneurship

Impacta+ is a nationwide project by Ashoka Spain, supported by Google.org, where over 80 organizations have come together to transform social entrepreneurship in Spain, making it more diverse, accessible and inclusive.


Guneak 2030 | Innovating collaboration models to drive the 2030 Agenda in the Basque Country


BBK Kuna | Social innovation lab focused on the future of Bizkaia


BBK Klima | The first experiential park for environmental awareness

Conceptualization of a large experiential park spanning 80,000 square meters, located in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve (Bizkaia), aimed at raising environmental awareness through entertainment.

Klima Egunero | New sustainable lifestyles


The future of education


Guess who? | A collaborative game about climate change


Dëna Diversity | Designing inclusive toys for children

KIMO | New line of furniture and surface solutions


Top Manta | No one is illegal


LABe | Digital Gastronomy Lab

The renowned Basque Culinary Center and the Gipuzkoa Council, in collaboration with the Donostia-San Sebastián City Council and the Basque Government, aimed to stimulate the future of the gastronomic value chain by exploring the opportunities that digital transition brings to the sector. LABe is a Digital Gastronomy Lab that hosts various activities and key players in this regional initiative.


XPLORA | Strategies to connect with the new generation of travelers


Orbea | Aesthetic strategy for redefining road bikes

In collaboration with Orbea, we developed the aesthetic strategy for their road bike range, creating a shared vision for the development of high-end bicycles.

Eroski EKINN | Ecosystem of innovation in retail


Cemosa Soul | Sustainable packaging design in cellulose


Didheya | Inclusive design in urban public spaces


Pernod Ricard | New markets for wine

Petrucha | A paradigm shift through sustainability in packaging


Oleku | A pioneering process in circular economy

#Oleku unveils an innovative self-management process and essential tools designed to drive solutions within the circular economy. Introducing the first-ever toolkit that explores circular innovation from four critical angles: the individual, intrapreneurial teams, business strategy and community learning.


OBE Hettich | Versatility as a value proposition to reach new markets

WeLab | New spaces for high-performance teams


Aquarius | Social innovation with an attitude


Innovation labs as tools for territorial development and social innovation


Danone | Feeding Change

”Alimentando el Cambio” is a strategic alliance of Danone, the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training of the Spanish Government and Ashoka Foundation, whose objective is to investigate and activate social innovations that promote healthy eating habits and lifestyles in the school, retail and home contexts.


State driven innovation — Public organizations as leaders of social and economic change

Trömba | Don't stop me now

Trömba is a new brand designed primarily for the digital environment, embodying a youthful lifestyle eager to explore and be inspired. A fresh, urban range of products for rainy days. Those that don’t stop us.


Biomimicry — Innovation inspired by nature

My Xplorer Quiz | Discover your traveler personality

Most of us love to travel, but have you ever wondered what kind of traveler you really are? My Xplorer Quiz invites you to find out through a unique analysis of different travel personalities, based on your preferences and habits when exploring the world.

Mauritania | Team game for the new Agents of Change


SUEZ Water Spain | The Discovery of our social footprint


The "Ganga Style"

Educating ourselves as consumers in value and not so much in price could help us recognize the difference between a real bargain and a false stimulus to our intelligence.

The Ganga Style (1)