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Emotional outbreak Z

BBK Fundazioa
#Health and wellness

A study carried out by dot. through its analysis platform The Future Game and in collaboration with BBK Fundazioa on the emotional health of young people.


Household shopping experience in 2034


This was the question posed to us by Eroski with the aim of exploring the future trends, technologies and business models that will define the retail sector in 2034.


The democratic atheism of Generation Z


Study conducted by dot. through its analysis platform The Future Game, in collaboration with Arantzazulab, on the perception of democracy and its values in Generation Z.


The challenges of the New Rurality

#Social impact

The New Rurality does not only focus on depopulation as the main guideline of the rural context, but rather describes a holistic view that includes the challenges and opportunities of a new rural lifestyle different from the traditional vision.


The future of education


The past six months of 2020 may have witnessed the most significant revolution in education in the last 200 years. In a matter of weeks, schools and universities worldwide closed their doors, shrinking children's world of exploration to their living rooms and shifting knowledge transfer to 50-minute virtual sessions. With no clear timeline for a vaccine and amid a whirlwind of social changes, we now face the urgent need to rapidly rethink the entire educational system.


Innovation labs


In recent years we have seen the rise of innovation labs as environments to explore and create in an agile and collaborative way, transformative solutions to the new challenges we face.


State-driven innovation


Public administrations play a key role in generating a territorial vision with which to forge demands, trigger investments and attract new markets. They are essential to reduce risks, generate incentives, catalyze knowledge and encourage missions on a territorial scale to ensure the attraction of talent.



Any functional requirement in product design can find its mirror in the way nature itself has solved it before. Biomimicry is a window into an exciting universe of design analysis.

The "Ganga Style"


Educating ourselves as consumers in value and not so much in price could help us recognize the difference between a real bargain and a false stimulus to our intelligence.

The Ganga Style (1)