
Guneak 2030 | Innovating collaboration models to drive the 2030 Agenda in the Basque Country


The General Secretariat of Social Transition and 2030 Agenda of the Basque Government, in partnership with the UN’s Local 2030 Secretariat in Bilbao, and Guneak—an interinstitutional and social participation platform of the Agenda 2030 Basque Forum—have joined forces to launch a public-private partnership in order to generate transformative impact in sustainability and environmental development across the Basque Country.

Guneak 2030
Eusko Jaurlaritza | Gobierno Vasco
  • Innovation
  • Governance
  • Sustainability
  • Social impact
  • New narratives
  • Innovation labs and spaces
  • Organizational design

Challenge: Shape the activation model of the Guneak Alliance to power the 2030 Agenda in the Basque Country

The 2030 Agenda thrives on cross-sector collaboration and powerful multi-stakeholder partnerships, making it one of its key strengths. Guneak 2030 is a Basque alliance of 55 organizations, united to drive the 2030 Agenda forward in the Basque Country.

To make this vision a reality, we launched the Guneak 2030 activation process at the end of 2022, driven by a powerhouse group of 7 trailblazing organizations, each a leader in promoting the Sustainable Development Goals in our region. We took on 3 challenges:


1 | Connect

Forge a unified vision of the Basque Country as a leader in SDG commitment, aligning the roles, goals and ambitions of every organization in the process.


2 | Build

Activate new alliances to strengthen the SDG ecosystem in the Basque Country, unlocking cross-sector opportunities and launching specific initiatives that create real, measurable impact in our region.


3 | Amplify

Design a shared portfolio of actions to tackle the Basque Country's most pressing SDG challenges, scaling up successful initiatives to broaden their impact and establish the region as a global leader in driving the 2030 Agenda forward.

Solution: Strengthening the Alliance and Pioneering Projects for the 2030 Agenda

Thanks to the activation of this alliance, organizations that once operated in silos are now pooling their experiences and resources, amplifying their collective impact on a shared vision.

As the driving team, we’ve crafted a powerful, unified narrative within the "For a Social Contract for the 2030 Agenda in the Basque Country" Declaration. This narrative unites our collective effort to engage Basque citizens with the 2030 Agenda and sets the stage for bold new actions, all within a strategic framework, for their widespread adoption.

Currently, the organizations within the driving team are developing over 70 SDG-aligned projects, all mapped and categorized using our innovative 4+1 Framework, resulting in the Guneak 2030 Activity Portfolio. This innovation portfolio aims to: (1) assess our systemic impact as the 2030 Alliance, (2) pinpoint strengths and areas for growth, (3) craft new collaborative strategies that enhance our competitiveness, and (4) identify and engage future key players.


From this mapping and opportunity analysis, the first lines of action and collaborative projects have come to life. One standout initiative is the "Guide to Implementing the 2030 Agenda in Companies and Organizations", offering all types of entities a cutting-edge tool to seamlessly embed SDG commitment into their day-to-day operations.