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#Social impact

The Spark program and awards is a strategic initiative led by UNICEF's Innovation Office, aimed at igniting creativity and transforming innovative ideas into impactful solutions that can improve lives. In close collaboration with the UNICEF Innovation Office team, dot. has designed the process and supported participating teams in consolidating the methodology and achieving their initial results.


UNICEF Upshift Somalia

#Social impact

Upshift is a social innovation program for youth developed by UNICEF Innovation. At dot., we have reimagined, adapted, and supported the implementation of the model for the contexts of Somalia, Somaliland, and Puntland.



Ashoka |
#Social impact

Impacta+ is a nationwide project by Ashoka Spain, supported by, where over 80 organizations have come together to transform social entrepreneurship in Spain, making it more diverse, accessible and inclusive.


Guneak 2030

Eusko Jaurlaritza | Gobierno Vasco

The General Secretariat of Social Transition and 2030 Agenda of the Basque Government, in partnership with the UN’s Local 2030 Secretariat in Bilbao, and Guneak—an interinstitutional and social participation platform of the Agenda 2030 Basque Forum—have joined forces to launch a public-private partnership in order to generate transformative impact in sustainability and environmental development across the Basque Country.


BBK Kuna

BBK Fundazioa
#Social impact

BBK Kuna is a leading Social Innovation Lab that addresses the future challenges of Bizkaia from a collective and participatory perspective.



Basque Culinary Center

The renowned Basque Culinary Center and the Gipuzkoa Council, in collaboration with the Donostia-San Sebastián City Council and the Basque Government, aimed to stimulate the future of the gastronomic value chain by exploring the opportunities that digital transition brings to the sector. LABe is a Digital Gastronomy Lab that hosts various activities and key players in this regional initiative.


Eroski EKINN

#Business growth

dot., MIK, and University of Mondragon collaborated with an intrapreneurial team from Eroski's headquarters to create EKINN, the company's innovation ecosystem. The project outlined the innovation strategy, the supporting system and the cultural traits to be enhanced to facilitate the generation of impactful solutions.



#Business growth

Nextlink is a multinational company based in Lausanne, Switzerland, with over 100 SAP consultants located worldwide. As part of its overall strategy, Nextlink is transforming its organization by enhancing new spaces that improve collaboration, foster relationships with end consumers, and create high-performance teams.
