Pernod Ricard | New markets for wine

Business growth

Queca is a premium sangria developed by dot. for Pernod Ricard Winemakers Spain, aimed at bringing the wine market closer to new consumers.

Pernod Ricard
Pernod Ricard
  • Business growth
  • Innovation
  • Business strategy
  • Product and service design
  • New narratives

Challenge: How do we bring the wine market closer to the Millennial consumer?

Millennial consumers often do not consider wine as their first choice, distancing them from enjoying a product with rich tradition and quality. In collaboration with Pernod Ricard Winemakers Spain, we analyzed key industry trends, consumption moments unique to Millennials, and iconic products for this generation. Our goal is to propose new products aligned with an aspirational lifestyle that we call "The New Spanish Way of Living."

Solution: Sangría Queca, the (new) spanish way of living

During the project, we discovered that Sangría, a fruity wine-based drink, is protected by the European Union, allowing its production only in Spain and Portugal. This fact has solidified its image both nationally and internationally as an authentic and deeply identity-rich product. Moreover, the millennial consumer has elevated this authenticity to a premium status, creating a new window of opportunity.

In this context, we set out to rescue the essence of that authenticity and translate it into a narrative of the "New Spanish Way of Living," serving as a framework for a new category of products for Pernod Ricard. We encapsulated that essence in Queca, a sangría represented by a fictional character who is profoundly “Spanish”: strong, sensual, intense and memorable.

Queca embraces the use of a nickname as a sign of identity. She represents a social, adventurous, and discerning woman who, while maintaining her connection to her roots, customs, and family, enjoys sharing premium experiences with friends. Well-positioned, her passion for fashion and trends, along with her expanded online presence as an "It Girl," defines her character. This personality also sets the tone of voice for the new brand across all channels, points of sale, and commercial environments.

Queca is available in various flavors, each linked to different moments of consumption, featuring fruit prints that create contemporary designs inspired by traditional motifs.


LABe | Digital Gastronomy Lab
